Join the 2019 Cary Quilting UFO Club! (It's free!)
Join the Cary Quilting Company
2020 UFO Club
(it's free!)

We all have unfinished projects, started with the best of intentions. Wouldn't it be great to finish them up in 2020? Now you have a few great reasons!
In January, come in and sign up to be a club member. You should bring in any quilts that you've started and want to finish (up to 10 projects). You can complete the top part of your forms at home, or we have them here too. As you finish phases of your projects, bring us your show-and-tell and your forms to earn points!
During January, February and March, your job is to sew, sew, sew! We are happy to help you with the quilting and binding, if you'd like!
At the end of March, whether you've finished everything you entered or not, be sure to bring your quilts and forms, and we will add up your points for the big prizes!
On April 1 (no fooling!) we will calculate your points, and announce our 2019 UFO Club winners.
First prize wins a $50 gift certificate!
Second prize wins a $30 gift certificate!
Third prize wins a $10 gift certificate!
But wait, there's more!
Since you will be a card-carrying member of the UFO club, you receive a
10% discount on:
Backing fabric
Binding fabric
Longarm quilting services (!!!)
Binding services
for all registered projects, good through March 31, 2020. Even if you don't win for the most points, you win by getting a nice discount on what you intend to finish! This is a fun way to beat the winter blues, and an easy way to start a positive New Year's Resolution, don't you think?
The Details
"Big UFOs" are 3600 square inches or larger, and "Little UFOs" are 200 - 3599 square inches. Projects are deemed UFOs if the project has been started before registration.
Point assignment (how many points your project can earn) will be confirmed by the Cary Quilting Company staff when you register. Point breakdowns can be found on the downloadable forms.
Only quilts qualify as UFO projects. Bags, pillows, rugs, etc. don't count for this club, though they are lovely to create and finish!
You can get started by downloading, printing, and completing your registration forms.
We hope you decide to play along!
Get your UFO Registration Forms here.
See who won the 2019 Club prizes here!