Class Supply Lists

Download supply lists for any of our upcoming classes by clicking on the class name below.

Class Name (listed alphabetically)

2 Block Beauty Class with Marnet
Almost Instant Gratification 2: Marble Cake Class with Marnet
Archer Quilt Class with Jenn
Beach Landscape Quilt Class with Debbie
Beginning Quilt Making with Marnet
Big Stitch Quilting Class with Sudi-Laura
Binding 101-Your Finishing Touch with Marnet
Chandelier Quilt Class with Marnet
Clothing Alterations and Repairs Workshop with Daisy
Conquer Curved Piecing with Jenn
Crushing Mount Scrapmore with Marnet
English Paper Piecing: Patchwork of the Crosses with Marnet
Flower Quilt Class with Kim
Free Motion Quilting Class with Kim
Fun and Easy Project Bag Class with Marnet
Fundamentals of Quilting for Beginners with Debbie
Getting Over your Hang-Ups Session with Marnet
Hand Appliqué Technique Class with Kim
Hand Quilting Class with Kim
Happy Hour Free Motion Quilting Class with Emma Jane
Hemingway Pouch Class with Jenn
Laura Heine Teeny Tiny Collage Class with Lynn
Lone Star Quilt Class with Nora
Machine Applique Class with Kim
Moda Variable Star Quilt Class with Catherine
Modern Cotton Boll Class with Emma Jane
Paper Piecing Class with Kim
Pick a Petal Block of the Month Supply List
Quilted Jacket Class with Sandi
Saturday Night Sewing Sessions with Sandi
"Sew"cial Sundays Sessions with Edrina
Spring Landscape Quilt Class with Debbie
Stained Glass Window Quilt Class with Debbie
Star Christmas Tree Skirt with Kristene
Strip Piecing Workshop with Jenn
T-Shirt Quilt Class with Nora
Upcycled T-Shirt Tote Class with Emma Jane